Hello again everyone, hope y’all are doing well. Been busy with stuff so I slacked on posting here, so I apologize for that, I will do better, cause this and the other 2 topics I discuss here are all on my mind a whole lot, this one definitely the most. We are going to just jump right in, now that all the pleasantries are out of the way.

So Valentines Day is right around the corner, don’t know about y’all – but it is yet another Valentine’s I will spend alone. Honestly, as much as it sucks to be alone, I have gotten used to it, definitely doesn’t make the loneliness go away at all, but I just accept it now as the way life is. I sit here and think about previous relationships, the few good ones I have had – NOT the others, and I pick apart what I did or didn’t do. Honestly I have had one particular ex on my mind a whole lot lately, and I am not exactly sure why. Although now as I type that out, I know exactly why, but we will get to that in a second. So yeah, she has been on my mind a whole lot, out of the blue, and I can’t help but think about the talks we had, the things she said to me, the way she made me feel. For the first time since I left the Army, I felt safe, I felt loved, I felt like someone gave a damn about me – even if they didn’t understand every little thing I was experiencing, I was happy for the first time in a very long time – like truly happy, I felt at ease, and I felt heard. She never belittled me, never talked down to me, she always listened to me, she helped me through things as I faced or experienced them, and always brought a smile to my face. Somehow I sabotaged that, just being stupid. So many things I would do differently if I could push a button and go back, but it definitely helped me grow as a person, SHE helped me grow. The reason she has been on my mind out of the blue lately, is because I remember how she made me feel, how truly happy I was, and how I saw her when I looked at her.

Anyway back to the topic at hand, I think special days of any kind are a bit harder on us for a variety of reasons, anything from loneliness, missing someone or something, being in our head too much, trying to fight the darkness alone, being away from loved ones, pulling ourselves back away from people and retreating into ourselves, or even something that really pisses us off. Just remember that at the end of the day – we are all here still for a reason, it is not our time to go yet.

I will be putting a new shirt design out for Valentine’s day (or multiple, depends on designs) and we will be running a Valentine’s Special this month too (I will get that on the website and our Etsy Shop by next week), so be on the lookout for that.

As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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