The reason is simple really. I am passionate about many things, and a couple of those things are: Bringing awareness to Veteran Suicide, and helping Veterans who are struggling with PTSD and fighting the darkness alone. Starting my business has given me the avenue needed to help bring awareness to Veteran Suicide. I hope that by continuing my business, it will enable me to have the funds available to start a couple things I feel called to do.

The first thing I am being called to do, is to open and operate a Veteran and Animal Sanctuary. A place where we rescue animals of all kinds, and give them a much needed home. A place where we will train service dogs and donate them to Veterans who need them. A place where Veterans can come donate a little time to help out around the place, help with the animals, and in return receive a place to stay and hang out for a little while, free of charge. A place where they will be able to enjoy nature and unwind, a place where they can talk freely, to others who understand them, a place where they can come and know that they are not alone in that battle with the darkness.

The second thing I am being called to do is figuring out a way to create a Veteran Suicide Memorial. I am aiming to have a National Memorial built, but if that is not a possibility, then I will make sure one gets built on the Veteran and Animal Sanctuary property. A place that memorializes and recognizes those heroes we have lost to the battle we all face every single day. A place that those families affected will be able to come and visit and see their loved ones name being remembered. A place that will ABOLISH the horrible stigma that is surrounded by suicide deaths, and even the family members who are affected by that stigma.