Good Evening to all of you, I hope you had a great Thursday. We are just going to jump right in where we left off on the previous posting about this, no lollygagging around tonight.

So first things first, I said in last nights post that I was going to go into detail about how the church is failing the Veteran Community, so we are gonna start right there. When was the last time you heard anything from the pulpit about Veteran Suicide, and I mean anything at all, judgey or not judgey, anything? Yeah me either. The only suicide talk I have ever heard in a church or from “church people” has ALWAYS been how it is an unforgivable sin. Well let me provide some clarification BASED ON RESEARCH, and not based on assumptions. First of all, nowhere in the Bible does it specifically mention suicide being a sin, in fact there are many people in the Bible who committed suicide. There are arguments that it is a sin, just like there are arguments that it is not, only one who knows that can tell you when you get to Heaven. Second of all, even if it is a sin, it is definitely NOT an unforgivable sin, as there is one and only one of those, suicide is definitely NOT that one. Third of all, last I checked, Yeshua himself told us not to judge others, so it is NOT your place to do so, and you can shove your judgement right up your ass. Fourthly, Yahweh and Yeshua both told us to Love One Another, so how about you take a hint and show some damn compassion for people who are struggling with things so much, that they even consider suicide as an option. How about you show some damn empathy, and if you can’t, then keep your negative ass comments to yourself and just shut your damn mouth.

So to the church, how about we stop “teaching” false information, and start spreading truth. We do not need your interpretation, or this persons interpretation, or that persons interpretation, we need facts. But in order to do that, you would have to preach from a Bible that has not been altered, like almost all current versions have, send me an email if you would like me to talk about that subject more in-depth, but I will say this…Did you know that the King James Version – one of the most widely used today, and the one that a large majority of other translations have been based off of, while being commissioned by King James (who also wrote a book about Demonology by the way), was heavily influenced by the Pope at that time, and they used Catholic teachings very heavily when “translating” that version. They removed quite a bit of stuff, but that was not the first time they removed things from a translation. So yeah, I found that to be quite interesting. So yeah, preach the facts and not opinions, everyone forms their own opinions based on how they process the information when reading it or it is read to them, don’t need anyone preaching their opinion on things, then you get your opinion or interpretation being spread, instead of His Holy Word being spread. Yahweh himself told us to not add to or take away from His word, also told us not to take His name in vain – definition of vain is “lacking substance or worth,” so to make something worthless – so taking His name out of the Bible and replacing it with His title is doing both taking and adding, plus at the same time making it to where people these days do not know His name, hence His name was made worthless by removing it from the Bible. Just saying, there are a whole lot of questions the church needs to answer, and as I mentioned in previous posts, they have lost their way. Time to abolish old ways and find your way back to Yahweh. Time for some change. It is quite amazing what happens when a person can differentiate between truth and lies, fact and fiction. Truth may be hidden, as it is very powerful, but it is there if you look.

Anyway back to the topic at hand now that I am done with that part of it. To all my Veterans, find solace and peace, open up to people you trust. I know that sometimes it is hard to trust people, but there are people out here who give a shit about you and will listen to you any time you need an ear (yes I am one of them). So even when you are right in the middle of that darkness, and it seems like you are all alone, find solace in the fact that there are many of us right in there with you, and we are willing to ensure you are not in there fighting alone. I GOT YOUR SIX BATTLE!

Oh last thing before I sign off for the night. We had a little story time the other day about VA Mental Health, and how long it was taking for them to get me scheduled. Well funny coincidence – I got a phone call from them the day after I posted that blog. First available was fucking JUNE – WTF. So I asked the lady I was speaking with, why they did not allow community care for that since they are scheduling so far out. She told me they did and that I could choose that option should I want it, then asked who told me that. As soon as I mentioned the name of the lady who told me I couldn’t, the lady I was on the phone with IMMEDIATELY backtracked and told me to listen to what she said because she is one of the lead therapists there. So yet again, another instance of the VA not knowing what in the hell is going on, which I have had many of those over the past year or so. RIDICULOUS!

Well, enough for now, we will go into this another day. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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