I hope y’all had a GREAT Thanksgiving. Now, unfortunately, we will be discussing something that SHOULD enrage every single person reading this, I am going to try my hardest to not let my anger show too much and keep my language in check, so let’s jump right in to it.
We have degraded as a society, into something that allows, normalizes, and promotes very evil and disgusting behaviors. Companies all over the world using children with sexual themes to promote their products, the most recent being Balenciaga, who used children holding teddy bears that were dressed up in BDSM outfits which included a picture of documents laying around, those documents being from a 2008 Supreme Court Ruling regarding child pornography. So these sicko’s are not even hiding it any more, they are doing it right out in public, then issuing “apologies” after they get called out on it. Well I call BS on their fake apologies for several reasons. Firstly, any company in their right mind would ALWAYS approve ads that are pushed out featuring their brand and products, they would NEVER give free reign to anyone to make an ad for them and put it out without them approving it first, after all that is their brand at stake. Secondly, how would any marketing professional think to put stuff like this out there and in their head think “yeah this seems like it gets the right message across, I did a great job on this,” THEN their boss ok’s it, THEN the company ok’s it, all the while everyone looking at it thinks that same thing or something very close to it. Thirdly, because they do it AND know they do it and won’t stop doing it, because they think they will not be held accountable for it. Every single time a public apology has been given, nothing changes, they keep doing the same things and people keep using their products or buying their clothing, or whatever the case might be. “Oh, well they said they are sorry and apologized for what they did, so who am I to judge them for something they apologized for” and they open their wallet again. THAT is why these people will continue with their sick crap, because people are too stupid and don’t ever look past what the news says. I assure you, this isn’t the first time these people/companies have done this, not by a long shot, and it for sure will not be the last as well. Even when this ad went public, and received the backlash it did, I GUARANTEE people still bought stuff from their website even after seeing the ad, I GUARANTEE as soon as the public apology went out, people went “oh well everything is ok now because they apologized and won’t do it again and are promising legal action against the people who made the ad.
Then you have these parents out there, who’s sole job is to protect their children, taking them to different places to watch these very sexual drag shows or reading hours or whatever the flavor of the week is at the current time, since it’s always changing, and thinking there is nothing wrong with that. So on that list of the “at fault” side of things: first and foremost – the parents, next – the venue, next – the “performers,” and lastly – any business who promotes this crap.
Then you have these parents out there, who’s kids are still in diapers, and they’re on their social media talking about “my kid identifies as …..” “OMG I thought I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, but now she’s my beautiful princess.” Get out of here with all that BS for every single parent that does this in any capacity, ESPECIALLY when it starts becoming physical and transformative. 2 weeks ago your kid identified as a freaking dinosaur, last week they identified as a freaking transformer, and somehow miraculously this week they all of a sudden identify as a different gender. ANY adult out there, ANY adult, ANY ADULT, that pushes this crap on kids should be prosecuted FULLY, and if it becomes a physical or transformative thing, they 100% should be tortured slowly and then publicly executed for their role. That means the doctors performing these horrific surgeries on any child, doctors telling the parents it is in the best interest of their child to do these surgeries, parents just willy-nilly going along with it, teachers or other public officials who push this crap onto the children, absolutely ANYONE.
Now for the crap icing on this gross disgusting pus filled crap and vomit cake we have discussed tonight. Tell me why we have people in every walk of life, to include the crazies in the Alphabet Mafia (go look at the blog before this one, were I go into detail about that, it is pretty awesome), politicians, businesses, churches, etc etc etc, all promoting, normalizing, and “being inclusive” about pedophilia. You know we have come to a very evil place as a society when pedophilia is being normalized. This is all part of the sexualizing of children. This is why they do all this. If children are seen in a sexual light, then pedophilia won’t be a moot topic any more in their mind, then they can continue with all the other nefarious things they are doing, including trafficking (but that is a whole other post) and no one will even bat an eye.
We need to stand up for the children, protect the children, defend the children, fight for the children, and LET THE KIDS BE FREAKING KIDS. Quit pushing your crap on them so you can feel better about your crappy self.
Wooo it took a whole lot of self restraint on my end to not just go off and speak freely on this topic, it really boils my blood when I see this kind of stuff, just wanna line people up one by one and slap the ever loving crap out of them all. Anyway I shall see y’all tomorrow, love every single one of y’all except the sick depraved idiots I mentioned above.