Good Evening to all of you wonderful and lovely people, been awhile since we last saw each other. I apologize for my absence, I have been very busy. I submitted my bullet clock to the VA art competition they hold every year, and should find out in a few days if I make it to Nationals – so fingers crossed on that. I also was invited to set up a table at a local Veterans Event. That ended up being a GREAT networking event, met some wonderful people and businesses. I have also added a bunch of new designs, done some research on some things I need in order to grow the business and what I am able to offer, so I am spending a lot of time in prayer.
So I have a lot on my mind, and have for awhile now. To give y’all some updates though… I haven’t gotten anywhere with the National Veteran Suicide Memorial I spoke about before. I did finally hear back from one of the Senators I emailed, his local office anyway, and was told that they would forward everything I spoke about with them to the DC office, and said they would put a note in saying that I would like someone to get in touch with me about it. He said he thinks it would take an act of Congress in order to make something like that happen, however he wasn’t entirely sure. Sort of feel like I am being brushed aside, and I gotta say, I have NEVER liked being brushed aside, ESPECIALLY when it comes to something this important. I will be a thorn in their side, and if they do not want to make it happen, then I already decided that when I am able to get the Veteran and Animal Sanctuary up and running, then I will make sure that Memorial Wall is on that property. One way or another, it WILL happen, no matter what it takes.
Speaking of the Veteran and Animal Sanctuary, still in the super early planning stages for that as well, as that requires a HUGE amount of money to get the land I would need, then build on that land to get exactly what I need set up to make it operate. BUT, as with the Memorial Wall, one way or another, this WILL happen as well.
So as you can see, never a dull moment for me, and a whole lot of challenges, but I love a good challenge, and I never give up, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and push through everything that gets thrown my way.
Speaking of stuff getting thrown at us, our Constitutional Republic seems to be getting thrown away by all the idiots in power, not focusing on our country, but instead worrying about other countries. We keep funneling money to Ukraine – did you see the new “ambassador” for Ukraine? Anyone recognize her? If you have done your research, you would know EXACTLY who that evil bitch is. One of the leaders of their “spirit cooking” satanic bullshit they do, also heavily involved in child trafficking, and the murder and mutilation of them. She has taken many of the rich and powerful under her wings- Lady Gaga for example. Says she is going to “use her voice” to help rebuild schools across the country. In other words, she is going to help rebuild all the major trafficking hubs in their country, because as a major trafficking hub in that region, they have lost their footing with all the attacks that were done on the major trafficking sites in their country. Absolutely DISGUSTING if you ask me, and anyone who still says we need to send them money, to include our own politicians, in my humble opinion, is complicit with child trafficking. All those “Save Ukraine” idiots around the world never knew what was going on to begin with, what needs to happen is to save the Ukrainian people from the evil forces that have taken over. Oh wait, that has been going on this entire time – gotta stay up on your research and stay in the know!
Speaking of saving the children, how about the sick shit going on in our own country? Unaccompanied children showing up at the border then disappearing, all the children around the country disappearing while in the foster care system and “child protective services,” etc etc. Every single state in this country is complicit with child trafficking, because that is exactly what is going on there. Like all those who disappeared in Missouri a few years ago out of the foster care system, not a single investigation to find, yet the politicians in Jefferson City knew about it and did nothing. Anyone who says Child Trafficking is not a problem either lives under a rock, doesn’t do any research on their own, is just plain STUPID, or is complicit and doesn’t give a damn about it.
However you want to look at it, at the very core of it, Child Trafficking is PURE EVIL. You can only fight evil with good. No matter your religion, be the light in this horrible world of darkness we live in. Expose the evil and show it to the world. Shine the light on the darkness and evil, and we can overcome this. It is time to put a stop to all the evil and corruption, it is time to take our country back, it is time to take our world back! Stand and be counted!
FUCK the evil ones who use their puppets to do what they want to do, FUCK the bastards in Washington who only give a shit about themselves and lining their pockets, FUCK those who get their pockets lined to continue spreading hatred and division – putting whatever morals they might have had aside to sow the seeds of discord, hate, and division, and FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE EVIL ASS BASTARDS WHO CONTINUE TO HURT THE CHILDREN.
I am gonna call it for the night, this has been a very emotional post for me. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!
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