Good Evening, hope everyone is having a great hump day! So I am not gonna ramble, we are gonna pick up where we left off last time, so lets go!

So I read a story on a comment that was shared on a YouTube video I saw where this guy had asked in church Why can we not love others like Yahweh loves us, why can we not love others like Yeshua showed us how to do?” His daughter raised her hand, then stood up and said “I can Daddy, He is in my heart, so I can love like Him.” Now just take a quick second and think about that. If that doesn’t hit you square in the chest and make you take a pause and look deep within, I don’t know what will. But think about it, we have the ability to love and show compassion just like He instructed us to do so.

Now let me explain something I just read before I get into clarification mode. I just read a blog post I had stumbled across. It made me sick to my stomach, cry, and angry all at the same time. I am not sure when it was written, or who wrote it. The blog post is basically about how to “handle” pedophilia as a Christian. Let me be very clear here and make my point as blunt and straightforward as I can. First point: Pedophilia is PURE unadulterated EVIL and OF THE DEVIL…. NOT of Yahweh. The guy who wrote the blog post mentioned in there how he “didn’t ask to be a pedophile, he was born that way.” I am trying my absolute HARDEST not to go off and be my normal cussing self in this blog, and this paragraph is making it SO hard, because I am VERY VERY passionate about this particular subject, ESPECIALLY in the world we live in today, where they are trying to normalize it. So quick point about that, I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with someone saying they were born a pedophile, I mean – that just doesn’t make ANY sense to me, and here is why. We were created in HIS image, when we are born (despite what I have seen pedophiles say in their “studies” – Alfred Kinsey to be more precise – and if you haven’t looked into him, I HIGHLY recommend it – just know that what you find out will be pure disgusting evil that is being used in society today) we are not “sexual beings.” Please tell me when did we get away from letting kids be kids? Why in the world is society actively trying to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia, but make Christians out to be the “evil ones?” Simple answer – corruption, greed, and evil. The Devil has gotten his hands into government at every level all over the world and they are doing his bidding.

Here I go again on a rant continuing from the last paragraph. First of all churches across this world either need to shake off the “traditions” and the shackles they are currently bound by, and start speaking up. Quit going along with the “status quo” and quit trying to make everyone happy. This whole theory that we have to watch what we say because we don’t want to make people uncomfortable or offended is complete garbage. People get comfortable with the evil in the world, people expect others to be “politically correct” with what they say (until they get offended because they do not agree with you – then the personal attacks happen and they don’t care how you feel because you do not agree with them), that is why we have gotten to the point we are in society today. When as a society did we stop yearning for knowledge and wisdom, and instead just go along with the flow and what everyone else tells us to think or believe? When did we lose our backbone? When did we as Christians decide that it was the way of Yahweh and Yeshua to just lay down and let the evil overtake every single area in our day to day lives? If the church is not willing to shake off the funk and the evil, step outside of their comfort zone, and start standing up for what is right and pure, then the church will forever be lost. But that does not mean we are lost, WE as Christians need to stand up and get loud, we need to start standing up and fighting for what is right, we need to study His word, we are responsible for our own relationship with Yeshua – not the church. WE need to be in His word, WE need to be seeking Him, WE need to take responsibility for seeking knowledge and wisdom – pray and you will find it. I will tell you, be prepared to have your whole world and everything you thought you knew turned upside down. Surrender yourself to Yahweh, pick up your cross and follow Him. Put on the full Armor of God and prepare yourself for battle, because it is an ongoing battle we are right in the middle of in our day to day lives.

That leads me to one of the main points I was making with this post. People have become so anti-christian these days, and it is partly our own fault. Not all of it, some of it is because the devil has gotten such a foothold in society today. Our fault lies with how people view us and feel. They see us as judgmental, holier-than-thou, hateful, better than everyone, and the list goes on and on. Part of that has to do with the traditions in churches, and by traditions I am referring to how things are done. Instead of focusing on LOVING EVERYONE LIKE YESHUA SHOWED US AND LIKE YAHWEH LOVES US, no instead we are taught only Christians are going to heaven, then we are taught about all the sins, and for some reason we add things into that list that we think are sins, then we judge others. Honestly, from that viewpoint I completely understand why people hate Christians, why they talk about us like they do, because I have seen all of that. We need to be better, we need to do better, we NEED TO LOVE LIKE YAHWEH AND YESHUA.

So that is gonna wrap it up for now, I could spend quite a bit longer, but tonight’s post is long enough, so part 3 coming soon. A whole lot more on my heart that I will need to expand on. Just remember – LOVE ONE ANOTHER – UNCONDITIONALLY AND SELFLESSLY. He is in us, therefore we can love like HIM.

As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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