Good Evening to all of you beautiful people out there, I hope you are having a GREAT Thursday! We are gonna jump right into where we left off last time so I can wrap up this little series.

Since at least 1945, we have been in a constant state of brainwashing in our daily lives. From the TV we watch, the movies we see, to the music we listen to, everything has been bombarding us with evil subliminal messages, getting us to unwillingly believe everything that has brought us into the evil society we live in today. Putting us into different categories – in order to separate us and make us think that we are different. Our skin color, our religion, our countries, our states, our jobs, city or country living, rich or poor, married or not, kids or no kids, sick or well, disabled or not, republican or democrat, straight or LGBT, basically every single potential difference has been used as a tool in order to divide us so that we will not come together as one. Guess what? Yahweh loves you no matter which of those that you are. Guess what else? WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER AS ONE AND LOVE EACH OTHER NO MATTER WHICH OF THOSE WE ARE.

We need to stop rejoicing and praising those involved in horrible evil acts – especially against the children, and start holding them accountable and stop supporting them. When you go digging for that information, you may be upset as to what you find, because some of your “favorite” people, those you look up to, and even are idolized by society, are on that list. Some of the biggest corporations are involved – look into the background of Disney and Walt Disney himself. Look into the programming and subliminal messages that is used and has been used since 1945 in EVERY Disney program and EVERYTHING Disney owns. It is all about sexualizing everything (including children) and dividing us into categories. It is way past time to go ahead and cancel EVERYTHING Disney related that you might be subscribed to, stop letting your children watch ANYTHING Disney has their hand in – look into how far their reach is, stop spending money on them. We need to STOP idolizing these people and companies. It is time to find our way back to Yahweh. It is time to come together as one and unite, because if we are united than they cannot stop us.

Just remember, Yahweh loves you as you are, Yeshua loves you as you are, and we need to love each other as we are. We all bleed red, we are all humans, so come together as one, and stop putting everyone – including yourself – into little boxes. Most of all, STOP PUTTING YAHWEH INTO A BOX. That includes you church. I have seen videos recently of revival breaking out at places that you normally wouldn’t see something like that going on at – like rock or metal concerts for example. In the comments I keep seeing “Christians” telling everyone that they need to pray for discernment – because God wouldn’t use those venues, so they claim it is of the devil. That leads me to a prior posting where I mentioned that suicide was NOT an unforgivable sin, because there is ONLY one unforgivable sin. The ONLY unforgivable sin is blasphemy – and NO that doesn’t mean what most think it does – where they say it is “taking the Lord’s name in vain” (you know, the GD cussword). God is not even His name, it is His title, but that is for another post. No, the blasphemy He is referring to is claiming that something of God is of the devil, like revival at a metal concert. So those who jump in the comments – keeping Yahweh in a little box, saying that He wouldn’t use that type of venue or place to have revival break out, so it is of the devil, are in fact blaspheming. I would let Yahweh come right out of the box you have placed Him in, because He is greater than the church, He is greater than the box you put Him in, and He is greater than all the evil in the world. Repent – accept Yeshua into your hearts – come back to Yahweh – and start loving your fellow humans like Yahweh and Yeshua love us.

For those struggling with depression, PTSD, or any other mental illnesses – veteran or not – He is greater than those, AND He loves you no matter what. Seek Yahweh and you will find peace. Just remember – LOVE ONE ANOTHER – UNCONDITIONALLY AND SELFLESSLY. He is in us, therefore we can love like HIM.

As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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