Hello all you beautiful people, I hope you had a GREAT weekend! We are going to start tonight off with some good news. We finally were able to get the 3D Printer we tried ordering back in December – had to go a different route to order it since the first company never even placed the order, needless to say I will not ever look at that company again for anything. SO, what that means, VERSION 2 of the 22 Clock will be out very soon, just have a few kinks I need to iron out with the printer and the software it uses! I know that y’all are going to love it! Also, we are 1 step closer to starting up the podcast, I just have to finalize a couple other things, so it is right around the corner. Now with that out of the way, let’s jump right in.
I gotta admit, it has been a pretty rough week overall. Preparing for my upcoming back surgery on the 14th (having a fusion this time), getting the 3d printer in, getting that set up, lining out some designs for local National Guard, busting out some other shirts, still continuing my research on everything they’re doing to try and destroy us from within, keeping up my deep research on my faith and learning about all the lies we have all been told our whole lives – as well as the things they did not tell us, all while waiting on some phone calls from a few different people. Needless to say, my mind has been all over the place in a million different directions the past couple weeks.
One of the few main places my mind always stays is with my fellow brothers and sisters in arms out there. Y’all are on my mind all the time, and everything that we deal with never leaves my mind either – something else I have spent quite a bit of time researching. It just absolutely breaks my heart to know that we are currently up over 44 Veterans a day that lose the battle in their mind, because they feel there is no other way out, no other way to make the pain go away, no other way to make the anger go away, or no other way to make the guilt go away. Meanwhile we have the jackasses at the VA fudging the numbers to make themselves “look better,” and we have the idiots in the media pushing out false narratives surrounding Veteran Suicide, all trying to say that those of us out here speaking the truth about it, and trying to get that information out there are spreading “misinformation.” Damn that sounds really really familiar, where have I heard that before? Where else have I heard truth spreaders being accused of spreading misinformation? OH YEAH, the past 2 years have been full of that, not sure why it surprises me really.
The thing that really gets me at the end of the day though, the entire ENTIRE purpose of the VA is to help Veterans, ” Our Mission: To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans.” Took that straight from their website. I CALL BULLSHIT. So I also noticed they took this off their website – wonder when that happened: “Core Values” “VA’s five core values underscore the obligations inherent in VA’s mission: Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence.” Had to find that by doing a little digging. Why take that off the website? Are they letting us know they don’t care? I mean honestly, the VA has been screwed up for awhile now, but its gotten tremendously worse over the last couple years. Seems to me like they have become politicized like other agencies in the government. I can honestly say, some of the people IN the VA definitely exude those values and care about us, but the ones making any decisions on any level definitely do NOT exude ANY of those characteristics. It is sad really, but not sure why I expect any less. Washington seems more worried about funding their own pet projects (like that crap that went through last year for a building or something Pelosi was involved with in California) – ESPECIALLY the last couple years, rather than taking care of the people who laid their lives on the line to keep them all safe.
Anyway, I am gonna end this for the night, I hope you all had a great day today, hope you smile tomorrow and enjoy the day. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!
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