22 Years ago, America suffered one of the most catastrophic attacks on our homeland that we have ever faced. I think the most important thing for us all to do, is to remember those who died that day, and those families who lost loved ones that day.

That being said, we must also not ever forget those who perpetrated this devastating attack. We have been told since the day that it happened, that it was perpetrated by people in the Middle East, that planes had flown into both trade center buildings, and the pentagon as well, while another had landed in an empty field due to the passengers helping to bring it down – at the cost of their own lives. We were told in the following months and years, that those who were saying it was an inside job were crazy conspiracy theorists. Little did we know, it was in fact orchestrated by our very own government. Our own government attacked us, murdering thousands of people, murdering thousands of service members in the following wars based on the lies we were told, tens of thousands of service members who have died by suicide because of the things they had seen and done fighting for this country, hundreds of thousands of people across the world dying because of the war that was based on lies.

Lies that we were told that had happened to cover up corruption that was going on, to cover up the lies that had been going on and still go on to this day, the wars that were started in order to take control of precious minerals and materials, as well as the wars that were started in order to get rid of people that the evil ones in power did not want around because they would not go with what the evil ones wanted.

9/11 was one of the main reasons I joined the Army in 2004, and that was a long time before I opened my eyes and was able to see what was happening. My nephew came home from school today and asked what today was, they no longer teach about it in school, and it makes you wonder why. Over the last couple of decades, they have taught the same lies we were all told about 9/11, to the children in school. However, over the last couple of years, so much of the truth has been uncovered and come out into the public view, while it is still hard for some who remember that day and everything that was told – to be able to accept the truth and what has been revealed, it is hard for service members like myself who participated in any of those wars as well. I came to the harsh realization, that the war in Iraq, which I was deployed to, was not for the reason I thought it was, but I did not know it then. Over the last couple of years, service members like myself have spent a lot of time thinking about all of it, with the information that we have found out, wondering if it was all worth it or not, wondering if we were bad for what we did and participated in while we served because of those wars. We spend countless hours thinking about all the lives lost, those brothers and sisters we lost in those wars, the brothers and sisters we lost due to the ongoing battle we all face on a daily basis – even after we have left the battle, those brothers and sisters from other militaries we have lost in these wars, and now we even think about those that were lost in those countries that we were in conflict with. It was a very harsh realization to finally know without a doubt – that we were not the good guys that we were raised up taught that we were, that America was in fact the fighting arm of the global bully, the ones who were sent out when they needed to teach a lesson to someone, to make them get in line and follow the rules and guidelines that they want the world to follow. I have been sitting here, crying, while writing this post, it is not easy, not only to dredge all this up, but having come to the realization that the evil has spread all throughout the world in such a manner that it has divided us so badly.

They use division to tear us apart: Democrat/Republican, Christian/Atheist/Catholic/Muslim/etc, Black/White/Asian/etc, Male/Female, Black/White/Asian/etc, etc etc. They use anything and everything they can to tear us apart, to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, so that we will not pay attention to what they are doing, right in front of our faces, all while making it look like something else is going on. Just like 9/11, when they made us think that planes caused the damage that was done, when in fact those were just faked – while they carried out their plans and made it look like something else had happened, they continue this fake premise of faking horrific events in order to blame other things or people – like mass shootings. We need to come together as one – like we did on September 12, 2001. We need to unite together, put everything aside, and come together.

FUCK the evil ones who use their puppets to do what they want to do, FUCK the bastards in Washington who only give a shit about themselves and lining their pockets, FUCK those who get their pockets lined to continue spreading hatred and division – putting whatever morals they might have had aside to sow the seeds of discord, hate, and division, and FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE EVIL ASS BASTARDS WHO CONTINUE TO HURT THE CHILDREN.

I am gonna call it for the night, this has been a very emotional post for me. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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