Well, welcome back everyone. Took a bit of a break, and I know it has been awhile, but I needed a break to collect my thoughts, while I worked on many different things, trying to make headway on them, while also working on some new designs, like the dog tags I now offer, and a couple other things that are still in the works. So, how about we just jump right into the topic for today…

Every day, for the world to see, the battle of Good vs Evil rages on, very much in public view – for those who pay attention anyway. It has infected every single aspect of our lives, whether you know it or not, but this battle has been going on for a very long time, and the evil side of it has a whole lot of money, power, and control, and they have been brainwashing everyone for decades, hell even centuries.

De-masculinizing men was all part of the plan. Doing that enabled them access to the women, which they the targeted with the trans agenda, pushing that narrative on the world to make women less special and less powerful, which led them to their ultimate goal – the children. You see, it has been their plan all along to target the children, but women would never allow that, and men would never allow the targeting of either the women or the children. So it was all apart of their plan, they set up the dominos, and started knocking them down 1 by 1. “Toxic Masculinity,” by what they have pushed, is the problem with society today. Those who exude masculinity, they say, are what is wrong with the world, all apart of the “patriarchy.” You cannot be caring and masculine at the same time, and having masculine men meant they could not get to their final target, because masculine men stand up and fight for what they believe in, what they know is right. So they do everything in their power, using all the tools they have in their arsenal, to include the media, the entertainment industry, and the big powerful companies, all of which they own, to put forth their attack on men, feminizing them and stripping away the masculinity little by little. With masculinity on the downfall, and even men repeating the term “toxic masculinity,” they knew they had succeeded, so they went ahead on with their plan, and targeted the women next. Here comes the trans agenda now, stating things like “what is a woman,” allowing biologically born males to not only “be women,” but competing in women’s sports – and getting titles once held by women, all while the majority of society doesn’t bat an eye, because they do not want to be labeled with any of the MANY labels created to put people in a fear frame of mind, making them bend to their will. Putting “trans males” on magazine covers with titles such as “men can have babies too” to try and confuse the younger generation and put pressure on others to go along with the agenda. Allowing “trans women” to participate in sports and win medals, while putting them on magazine covers with titles such as “woman of the year,” once again pushing their agenda – globally. With that domino also down, they were then able to focus on their ultimate agenda, the children. Sexualizing them, trying to make that a normal thing, and trying to normalize pedophilia, because they knew if it were to come out that lots of celebrities, politicians, and other “important people” who have very disgusting “interests” with children, were ever found out, there would be an uprising and they would lose control. It is fucking disgusting, and anyone who thinks it is ok, is not your friend.

Now on another hand, all controlled by the same evil people, we have all these big “charity” groups and non-profits who collect billions in donations yearly, not actually doing what that organization was created for – sometimes even being complicit in the very problem the non-profit speaks about, laundering money between each other. What is really funny, a whole lot of these – even some with ties back to the UN, wind up laundering large sums of money to democratic run organizations or campaigns. Did you know the BLM movement – funded by George Soros, “donated” billions to the Biden campaign? I thought they were supposed to be helping black lives? Weird how the only lives they helped were their own, while all across the country, our cities – including black owned businesses, were burnt to the ground. So they launder this money on a global scale between each other, enriching themselves, while we suffer and scrape to get by.

Wanna know another thing that pisses me the fuck off… People like me, who try to get funding for equipment to grow their business, with the intention of being able to use the capital gained from my business in order to create a Veteran and Animal Sanctuary, because land and construction costs money, to be able to give a home to animals who need it, while training service dogs for Veterans who need them, while giving Veterans who struggle with PTSD a place they can come and unwind and get out of their head for awhile – and talk with people who are there to help them fight that daily battle we all face and care about them, AND also using the capital gained by my business to create AND MAINTAIN a Veteran Suicide Memorial Wall – to honor and remember those heroes we have lost to this horrible battle, to give their loved ones a chance at closure, and to give those loves ones a chance to realize the hero they lost will never be forgotten, and will ALWAYS be remembered for the hero they are, destroying the horrible stigma that surrounds suicide. Yeah, people like me who pursue funding to get equipment to grow my business for those reasons, unable to find any funding, but these garbage ass evil human beings floating millions and billions of dollars around the world with the goal of lining their own pockets at our expense, and people keep donating, over and over to them. Like the Red Cross for example, raised billions of dollars when Haiti had their catastrophe, and only built 6 houses. WOW, yet people still donate to them. Although, during the Haiti catastrophe, there were a whole lot of problems that were going on there, involving some very powerful people, to include a WHOLE LOT OF CHILD TRAFFICKING. Oh I could go on and on, like how the Red Cross is involved in human trafficking, but yeah let’s keep donating to them. FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

So yeah, pissed and frustrated is the understatement of the century. All I need is about 25k to get the equipment I need for my business, wish I had some rich relatives who would just give me money, BUT I don’t, so I will figure something out. Someone to donate 1,000 acres of land with waterways throughout it so I could set up the Veteran and Animal Sanctuary and get that operational would be nice to. But I will figure it out, and it will become reality, just like the Veteran Suicide Memorial Wall, that is going to be reality, with or without the help of the jackasses in DC who don’t like to respond back to people.

Anyway, I will see y’all soon, and as always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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