Good Evening to all you beautiful people out there. This topic is something I have been battling for the past few days, after some extensive research I have done. It is something that I have thought was a possibility when the truth about everything started trickling out, but finding out the truth hit me hard, and I will be the first to admit, it really fucked me up, and it is time for the truth to be known, even though it is going to be VERY hard for my fellow Veterans to hear. So many of my brothers and sisters out there that will be directly affected by this truth bomb, and it is something so hard to hear, that many will have to go through a period of pushing past the cognitive dissonance and get to a point of acceptance. I am gonna try to make it all the way through this, and this is gonna be very hard to hear, but open your mind and read all the way through to the end – AND REMEMBER – IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT WE WERE LIED TO – THEY DID THIS TO US!

War… Something that we were all trained for, and something that many of us saw in person. We were told so many bad horrific things about the target, which made it easier in our minds to justify what was going to happen and the things we might have to do. A very recent example of this, which affects a whole lot of us, the Iraq War… I remember stories about how horrible of a “dictator” Saddam was, how he would let tigers roan the streets every Sunday, for his enjoyment, how horribly he treated the Iraqi people, and we were going in to take care of the terrorists and spread Democracy. They were all lies, every bit of it a bold faced lie, and we were just used to acquire the resources of the land, for the enrichment of those who run the world, because like many before him, he refused to be part of their plan.

In October 2000, Saddam made a declaration that he would no longer be selling their oil in US Currency, and instead would be selling it in Euros. He made billions by doing that. Then 9/11 happened, and we were told it was middle eastern terrorists. Off to Iraq we went, with promises of “weapons of mass destruction,” yet another lie we were told. The reason it happened, like it has in many other countries throughout the years, their leaders refused to go along with the people who run the world, so they had to go, so then their resources could be taken without any issues. We were used, they were used, we were lied to, they were lied to, and the people behind it all run the world, so they never got in trouble for it.

We lost our fellow brothers and sisters, and continue to lose them to this day due to Veteran Suicide, and they lost their loved ones all in the name of war. A war that we were told lies about, a war that they were told lies about, and of course both sides of that war funded by the very people who initiated it. They did the very same thing with Gaddafi in Libya, who also tried to go against the ruling elite and function on their own. This same group has done things like this for centuries. So we went into Iraq and killed a “dictator” in the name of freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people and ending terrorism.

Honestly, over the past few days I have experienced a wide array of emotions after researching and finding the truth – like sadness and anger – while also questioning myself and wondering if I am a bad guy because I am a Veteran. It still upsets me and definitely pisses me off, but I came to the realization that the blame needs to go right where it belongs – all the fucking dickhead idiots who run the world, and their puppets who play along and do as they are told, as well as the lying ass media who pushes their agenda to brainwash us into thinking certain ways, and the lying ass politicians, celebrities, professors, and anyone else in a position of power that pushes their bullshit agenda, a.k.a. the EVIL FUCKING PRICKS IN THE WORLD who think they are untouchable.

They did such a good job, that the majority of us didn’t know any better, and those who spoke against it were considered crazy. Those “crazy conspiracy theorists,” little did I know they were right all along. The more light we shine into the darkness, exposes the evil that is taking over the world, and it is time we stand – put on the armor of Yahweh – and FIGHT BACK. Time to shut off the noise – television, sports, movies, mainstream media, hollywood, even your favorite artists – they are all in on it. Unfortunately, this evil has done some HORRIFIC things to children all over the globe, but it remains hidden, but don’t worry, it will come out for all to see. All of their crimes and horrible things they have done will be exposed, and shown to the world, I just ask that you keep an open mind when you find out, because it is very hard to hear, and can be quite the overload. When that time comes, there are a whole lot of us out here who have prepared for that day, by learning and researching and finding out, preparing our minds for the day that we will have to help others cope.

I will say, upon finding out the results of my research into Iraq and Saddam, it broke my heart that I was part of something so devastating, it made me feel like a bad person, made me question myself and the type of person I am, and I know there are a whole lot of you out there who will feel the same, or worse, just know that we are here for you, and if you need someone – please reach out.

Anyway, I hope I explained this good and got my point across. That point being that we have been lied to about things that affect our very own mental health, all for the enrichment of the elite. We continue to lose brothers and sisters to the daily battle that goes on in all of our minds, because we were pawns to the elites and they don’t give a shit about any of us.

So with that, I will end this, this was a tough one to get through, need to unwind a bit now. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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