Time to break away from our normal topic yet again, and we are going to discuss Child Trafficking again. So buckle up because we are diving right into this very disturbing topic again.

So I am curious how many of y’all have actually looked into this. Ever wonder why it doesn’t receive a whole lot of attention by media, ever wonder why it doesn’t get talked about a whole lot by a pretty big majority of our politicians? Ever looked into the so-called “conspiracy theories” about this subject, or how about the big name businesses that are all heavily involved in this? Well I am going to speak bluntly, based on all the research I have done on this topic, tell you what I have found, and ask that you start looking into it (if you haven’t already done so), and decide for yourself. Look deeper than the surface, down very deep, because that is what will be required to find out the information about this topic. Last thing I will say before diving in, IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME I DID NOT DO IT, I WAS SILENCED. If we ALL speak out about it and start doing things about it, they cannot silence us all, but when it is a small minority of people speaking out, they can and will silence those people because they do not want the truth coming out.

Look at the evil corporations taking part in this, from the “B” one (I will NOT say the name of it, you should look into the reason why, the meaning of the name) who just wants their latest debacle to be forgotten about because “they apologized, it wasn’t their fault,” to WayFair selling children online, to Walmart – abducting, selling, and trafficking children out of their stores, and that is just the surface of this problem. You know the wall of “missing children” in the front of every Walmart? What if you were to find out that was their “menu” for the purchasers? Have you looked into those 2 companies selling children straight off their website, how the description of the “item” being sold (typically an exorbitantly high priced childrens item) tells you all you need to know about the child being sold? Since this has become more public it is difficult but not impossible to find examples of this, I have seen it with my very own eyes on many occasions during all my research on this subject.

Watched a short video interview last night (still looking for the full version somewhere) that took place back in 1989 with a former CIA operative/”men in black” (as he called it). He discussed pretty in-depth many different things, child trafficking was one of them. At the time of this interview roughly 8,000 children went missing every year in the US. Now in the US alone, we are up to roughly 840,000 children going missing every year, and worldwide roughly 8 MILLION children go missing every year. Take a second look at those numbers, then pick your jaw up off the floor, and ask yourself those questions I asked earlier about why there is so much silence about this issue when it is SUCH A HUGE ISSUE. The silence is because they are complicit in the disappearances, they are part of the problem. From celebrities, to politicians, to government leaders, to corporations, to the global elite, ALL complicit in this problem, and they get away with it because no one cares.

Now that last sentence probably pissed you off, but I put it there for a reason, and I will give you something to think about while I explain why I said it. When something comes out publicly, like the “B” company’s recent public problem, you had an initial backlash publicly about it, but then celebrities, politicians, other corporations, and others came out basically saying that we just need to move past it because they apologized and it wasn’t their fault. Where is that story now? Why is their name and many others not smeared across the front page of every single news outlet across the world? People put so much stock into what these people of power say and don’t look into anything themselves. As a society we are so engrained in the group think mindset, and put so much stock into what the news and powerful people say, that we don’t think for ourselves – let alone do our own research on topics, hence the term sheep. As soon as these celebrities and others started coming to their aid telling people to move on, society did exactly that, little by little, and it has only been about 3 weeks since it happened. THAT is what I mean by no one cares, and why I will NOT apologize for saying it, truth hurts and sometimes you need to be bitch slapped across the face with it to realize what is happening. These children are defenseless and innocent, yet they’re being trafficked, sexualized, abused, tortured, and killed by these very people, groups, companies, and organizations that society thinks are so great, and people just tur a blind eye to it and “forget” about it so quickly. Society has become so materialistically dependent on all of these different things I named, that they are willing to “forget and move on” about a topic that is bone-chillingly evil. Research Adrenochrome, look how it is “processed” and “made” to get the best results for the person who takes it. Absolutely disgusting, and anyone who is participating in this has a very special place in hell reserved just for them.

Now if that doesn’t piss you off, here come the Karen’s with what I am going to say next…”why did he have to cuss” will be something that someone thinks, I already know that is going to be said, to that all I have to say is: Worry less about my cuss words and more about the message I am trying to get across. Now with that being said, here comes the part that will get someones panties in a wad. WAKE THE FUCK UP, GET LOUD, DON’T LET THESE EVIL BASTARDS GET AWAY WITH THIS HORRIFICALLY EVIL SHIT THEY ARE DOING TO THE CHILDREN, HOLD THESE DICKHEADS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR HEINOUS ACTIONS, AND QUIT LETTING THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING UNCOMFORTABLE (materialistically or mentally) RUN YOUR DAY TO DAY DECISIONS WHEN IT COMES TO THIS STUFF! STOP WATCHING THEIR MOVIES/TV SHOWS, STOP BUYING THEIR PRODUCTS, STOP USING THEIR PLATFORMS, BUT MOST OF ALL STOP ALLOWING THE BULLSHIT EXCUSES THEY COME UP WITH PASS AS LEGITIMATE, ALLOWING THEM TO GET AWAY WITH SUCH HEINOUS AND HORRIFIC ACTS, AND ALLOWING THEM TO ESCAPE ACCOUNTABILITY – HOLD THE ACCOUNTABLE AND PUNISH THEM FOR THEIR CRIMES.

Alright I am going to end the blog for the day. Tomorrow will be another rage fueled post on another anger inducing topic that we have discussed previously. I very much look forward to talking with you again tomorrow. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you.


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