So, first I would like to apologize for my 10 day absence away from here. I have been incredibly busy with 7 clocks, 46 t-shirts, and everything that those projects entail. No excuses, just explaining myself to you. Now with that done and out of the way we are going to go ahead and jump into the randomness as I sit here sipping on my Gingerade Kombucha.

Anyone with their eyes open has realized that we as a country have been in distress for the past couple years – hence the upside down flag as my blog picture tonight – also why I still have my “America In Distress” shirt up on the website for sale too. With politicians across the country, both State and Federal level, trampling our God-given rights – which are guaranteed to us by the Constitution, yet they continue playing their game of FAFO because they think they are untouchable. All around the world we see some of the same things playing out, but their citizens stand united together en masse (for the most part). We have seen this in Canada, Australia, South America, and even in Europe. But here in the US, the programming, fear, and division have all beat out any of that going on here in large scale. As a society we have been far too worried about pronouns, not offending people, genders, sexualization of everything, race, and the list goes on and on, for anything on any major protests to go on. When is the time that we put our differences aside and come together as Americans and stand up for ourselves. They do not give a shit about us, yes there are still some good politicians up there, but they are far outnumbered by the swamp creatures in their midst. They are fighting for us day in and day out, but the question is, when do we stand up and join them?

The fight of Good vs Evil is on blast for the world to see, and if you do not see it, then you are willingly blind to it – or not so good at paying attention when it is blatantly obvious. Myself and others like me do not put information out there so we can hear ourselves talk, we are trying to spread awareness about things that we have discovered, that people may or may not know about. So many people still relying on the fake ass media to get their information, because they think that is still a legitimate place to get information from. News Flash – it is scripted, and they tell you what they want you to know – which is mostly false with a little truth spread in from time to time. Finding the truth requires digging. Then you have those who don’t worry about things because “it doesn’t directly affect them” (or hasn’t yet). News Flash – it all directly affects everyone and their daily lives. The more compliance they get, the more they take away from us, because you allow them to do so by complying with their tyrannical rules.

Have you not noticed the blatantly evil “laws” being passed the past couple years? Did you not notice the Satanic gathering happening (or has already, I forget the date) in Boston? I am sure you have heard about the 13 families who run everything, and cause all the major problems we have all seen – whether war or famine, it is all their doing. They have been telling you exactly what they are doing or going to do, yet you do not pay attention. They have been talking about decreasing the global population for years now – quite publicly actually. They do not like how many people are on the earth because they see it as a depletion of “their” resources, which is why they spread toxic shit in the air (Climate Engineering), spread toxic shit in every day items (fluoride in the water, toxic chemicals in the processed foods we consume and in the “health” items used like toothpaste and makeup), spread toxic shit in the “vaccines” that are created to “save” people (like mercury and aluminum), and so much more. Yet people line up for all this crap and do not think anything of it. Deaths from the “vaccines” are attributed to being “normal” because they say that some people will have “allergic reactions” to them. Once again they are trying to normalize deaths, on a large scale, so no one will bat an eye when it happens. Have you seen the actual numbers for deaths from the jab they tried to force on the world? No, because no one has, they were paying doctors, hospitals, and even people to attribute the deaths to other things, yet the numbers in VAERS are staggeringly high, even higher than ALL other vaccines combined from previous years, yet no one batten an eye, and anyone who questions it is called a “science denier,” “crazy anti-vaxxer,” and “conspiracy theorist.” Have you seen the actual numbers of adverse reactions to that jab? No, no one has seen the actual numbers because they were covered up, yet once again the numbers in VAERS are STAGGERING, but once again those who question or point out those numbers are called “science denier,” “crazy anti-vaxxer,” “conspiracy theorist,” and “spreader of misinformation.” Since when has the truth been false information? The answer to that is simple – with all the other definitions they have hanged over the last couple years, that is when the truth became labeled as “misinformation.” They sure push this “vaccine” on everyone, but they sure are not going to tell you about the GROWING “blood clots” that will happen, especially when you continue to take more and more of them, why do you think they are pushing you to keep getting booster after booster. EVERYONE in the world who has pushed this vaccine onto people, forced people to take it, or been a part of the distribution of it in any way – to include willingly giving it to people, NEEDS to be held accountable for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY amongst many other charges in Nuremburg Trials, because that has very clearly been violated on a grand scale. They cannot claim “I didn’t know” because at this point in time, the truth is out there, and you have to have your eyes closed at this point to not know at least enough to make you start looking deeper.

Anyway, I will try and get on here and do another rant tomorrow, not sure what it will be about yet, however might get back to talking more about Veteran Suicide again, cause it has been a little while since we touched on that subject.

As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you.


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