Happy Saturday night to all of you, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! I hope last week went well for each of you. News from me before we get into the topic for tonight, I will be having back surgery next month, getting part of my lower spine fused, so if you could all keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I would appreciate that very much. We are going a little lighter and happier in our discussion tonight, so how about we just jump right into it…

I kept the image for tonight big for a reason. As you can tell the outer part is very pixelated, while the inner part is in focus and detailed. Read the lines in the picture again, THAT is why I did the picture that way. The outer – pixelated – area is being used to show how others may value you or what they think you are worth, while the inner – detailed and focused – area is being used to express your true value and worth. I know that sometimes it might be hard to see your worth, to know your value, not only when life beats you down over and over again, but especially during the dark times – when you become super critical of yourself and your actions (or lack of actions). Those are very important times to remember your worth. Knowing your worth, and remembering it, during those times, will enable you to be a little less hard on yourself, might make you blame yourself a little less, even make you nitpick yourself a little less too. I know it is easier said than done, and that darkness can be a very lonely, very critical, and very dark place, one where you don’t think you will ever escape. Sometimes it pops up when we least expect it, when we actually feel good, when things are going our way for once, when we are feeling happy – and maybe even smiling (I do not know about you, but that is a very rare occurrence for me), it just pops up to remind us that it is still there and hasn’t left.

The saying above can be used for just about all walks of life, whether it is friendships, relationships, and even the workplace. If you do not know your value and your worth, you are giving the other person (or people) the power over you to choose what they think you are worth. Honestly, in my opinion, that is unacceptable, because they will never see your value and worth unless you show them. The most important way to do that, is to do you. YOU BE WHO YOU ARE. Too many times I have seen people trying to change things about themselves for the wrong reasons. NEVER EVER change something about you for someone else. If they cannot accept you for who you are, then FUCK THEM, they DO NOT deserve your time, energy, or presence. IF you want to make changes to yourself, then DO IT ONLY for YOU. You wanna get stronger, you wanna eat healthier, you wanna start being nicer to people, you wanna joke around more, you wanna start a hobby, you wanna start your own business, you wanna talk to more people, you wanna be more social, then do it, if that will make you happy and that is what YOU want. Don’t ever make any changes to yourself because someone else forces or guilts you into doing it.

So I will end the discussion with this: JUST REMEMBER HOW FREAKING AWESOME YOU ARE! As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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