Good Evening to all, hope y’all had a great weekend! Great news to start us off for tonight though, we are running a 23% sale starting 2/6/23 through the end of the month for Valentine’s Day. I also created a NEW Valentines Day – 22 A Day design and put that on the website earlier. We have a couple scoopneck color options for the ladies, a few color options for your kiddos, and other color options for the regular shirts as well. They will feature a red glitter heart on the front, and the rest of the design will be made using an anthracite colored stripflock vinyl, so it will have an emroidered type look to it, all without me having an embroidery machine (one of these days when I have the money, that will be added to the business, but for now I work with what I have). I also have some new clock options coming in the very near future (waiting on my 3D printer I ordered to arrive), so keep your eyes open for those as well. So over the past few days I have had a whole lot on my mind, so we are just gonna put some stuff out there, maybe clear my brain up a bit by getting it out, so let’s jump right in.

So first things first, as soon as we have the funds available to purchase the necessary equipment, we will be starting a podcast, more than likely it will start out as a weekly podcast, unless I feel like talking more. I will let you know when I am able to get that going. I priced it out last night and the equipment alone will run us between $700-800. I still have to look into the other side of things some more, like where it will be hosted at, and the requirements for that part. BUT it is going to happen, too many people have told me that I need to do it, so we are going to, just please be patient.

I have also felt the call to start some sort of Animal Rescue type place, where Veterans will be able to come FREE OF CHARGE, volunteer a little of their time helping out with the animals, then spend the rest of their time there just relaxing, hanging out with the animals, and enjoying nature. So this is still in the very beginning planning/looking for how to fund it stage, but I will definitely keep y’all in the loop on that as it progresses.

So now to the random thoughts that have been running through my mind. First, we are gonna talk about the children. We (society in general, but ESPECIALLY parents, Veterans, Military, LEO’s, and First Responders) HAVE GOT TO STAND UP FOR THE CHILDREN AND PROTECT THEM. All these evil bastards “running” the world right now, doing horrible and atrocious things to them need to be stopped. WE OUTNUMBER THEM TREMENDOUSLY. It is PAST time to stand up and start SAVING and PROTECTING the children.

Next, Veteran Suicide. We are currently over 40 per day (roughly 44 or so by last estimates) which means that in the last 10 years we have more than doubled the daily number. This is unacceptable. Time to bring awareness to this problem, time to be loud, time to support businesses and organizations who are doing something to fight and bring awareness to this horrible endemic, and it is time to do your part – whatever that may be – to bring those numbers down to ZERO. Time for all my brothers and sisters out there to let go of the stigma that surrounds this problem, and what they get told about it from the “professionals” and look into it for yourself, and you will realize – as I have – that they are lying to us because they do not care about us AT ALL – so love on your brothers and sisters, give them a welcome ear to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, even a big ol’ giant hug. Just let them know that you are there for them, whenever they need you, and that you have their back no matter what.

Lastly for tonight, Human Trafficking. Absolutely DISGUSTING that this is happening, even more disgusting that not a lot is being done to put an end to it. Go do some deep digging on this issue, and you will realize that the “elites” utilize this to fund their endeavors of trying to instill their “New World Order” and just keep us as slaves and kill off whoever they want to. This is how they blackmail people in power and politicians around the globe, to get them to go along with whatever they want. It is PAST TIME to show them there are consequences for their ATROCIOUS actions, it is time to put an end to this horrible practice, and hold every single person who had any part in it accountable. Doesn’t matter who they are, “I didn’t know” is not a valid excuse. The elites, “Child Protective Services,” the Foster Care System, the States, politicians at every level, Royals, heads of state, alphabet agencies, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Make them pay for their crimes, and PUSH OUT the darkness that has this world in a strangle hold right now.

So on that note, I look forward to talking with y’all again tomorrow. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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