Hello to all you beautiful people and Happy Friday! I hope you all have had a good week! So Yahweh laid this on my heart, so I need to speak on it. Do your research and come to your own conclusions, I am just speaking on what my own extensive research has shown me.

I will start off by saying, as with any group – there are good people and bad people. This post is not about the good people in the LGBT community, no this post is about the overwhelming evil that has taken over their agenda. Started off with LBGT people just wanting the same rights as everyone else, they wanted families, they wanted marriage, they wanted to not be judged, and they wanted to not be looked down on for their lifestyle. I am about to piss off a whole lot of people with the next thing I am going to say – Christians are partly to blame for where we have come in regards to the LGBT agenda and how they are targeting the children now. Yeah I said it, yeah I believe it (that is why I said it), now take a few freaking deep breaths and let me explain what I mean. As I mentioned above, when it all started, they just wanted the same things that everyone else already had – yet they were being judged and looked down on by Christians (as a whole, not everyone – as I mentioned before, as with any group, there are good and bad). Instead of loving, showing compassion, caring and understanding the people in that community, they were judged and made to feel bad about their lifestyle, felt unloved, felt guilty. That put Christians in a bad light, and that was the precipice for where we are now.

Everywhere you look, all over the world, drag queens are performing in front of children, while parents and other adults sit by and think it is ok. Yet another way that is being used to sexualize the children, look at the curriculum they are passing off in public schools, the sexual things they are teaching to the children. Teaching them all about people’s pronouns, causing them to not understand simple grammar. Books in the school libraries and classrooms showing very graphic and explicit sexual images. Books that describe sexual acts and how to do them, showing children how to please others sexually – most of which is leaning on same sex, however some of which does involve opposite sex pleasure. Teachers who stand up and speak out about it are fired and replaced with teachers who think that same way. Parents who stand up and speak out about it publicly are tagged as “far right extremists” then chastised and targeted. You see children being sexualized all over TV, movies, and music, and people stay quiet about it.

The TV has become the “babysitter” these days, and the evil ones know that, which is why they use that to brainwash and program everyone from a young age. Look at the cartoons, look at the kid movies, look at Disney, look at the “child friendly sings/music videos,” look at the outfits, look at the not-so-hidden sexual imagery, look at the messages being spread to the children by everything on tv, in movies, in music. I just want to know when people are going to wake the fuck up, stand up to the evil, and stop using stupid fucking excuses. “The kids like watching the Disney shows,” or “I let them watch it when I am busy doing other things,” or “the kids like Star Wars/the Marvel franchise/Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings,” or “I am too busy to homeschool,” or “I do not how to homeschool.” When is the church going to speak out and take a stand against all the occultism, witchcraft, sexualization, and blatant evil that is being put out in all areas of media? I won’t hold my breath, because I can assure you that they more than likely have Disney movies in their home and allow their kids or grandkids to watch them. It is hard sometimes for people, not just to see what is right in front of them, but to accept it, because they themselves have been programmed using the same methods, it is something they are used to. Some day (hopefully soon) everything will be made public for all to see and know, then everyone will be able to see what many of us have already found out. That day is going to be very hard for a lot of people and will shake them to their core, because they will then see all the evil that everyone is being subjected to. It is time to homeschool your kids, stop letting them watch this evil garbage, and stand up to the evil. If we do not stand and fight for them, they will be lost – the world will be lost. Wake the fuck up people, it will not get any better until we stand up and fight the evil. Pray for Yahweh to show you the truth, you will see what many of us have already figured out. Pray for strength, because you will need a whole lot of it to deal with everything as you gain knowledge and see what is happening.

I will go into this again on the next one, I am pissed off right now. The excuses I mentioned above are some of the same excuses I hear from my own family members, and the eye rolls I get when I talk to people about it. The day of awakening is coming, and is going to be a very hard day for a whole lot of people. I will leave you with this – WAKE UP, STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THE CHILDREN, PROTECT THEIR INNOCENCE.

As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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