Good Evening to all you beautiful people out there, I hope you all had a great week and are enjoying your weekend so far. So I just wanted to let everyone know, I know it has been awhile since you heard from me – I had back surgery last week, they fused part of my lower spine, so I have been recuperating. Of course the pain meds keep me tired, so I have just been working on making sure I get some projects I am working on completed in a timely manner – HUGE shoutout to my business partner for stepping up and helping me, since I have not been able to do everything I normally do, what a wonderful blessing he has been! So please bear with me throughout this time. I do have some new designs coming very soon – 2 new clocks will be revealed very soon! I have also updated the website to show the 2 organizations we are sponsoring every month, letting y’all know more about them and the wonderful work they do! So now that I said that, we are gonna jump into tonight’s talk.

So throughout the last almost 2 weeks, while I have been recuperating, I have been researching and watching what is going on in our country, and I have to admit, I am appalled at the deepest level. First, we have the current administration and their cronies sending our tax dollars off to another country to “help” them out, yet those who know how to research know that money is just being laundered back into their pockets. Then, we have our elected representatives more worried about potentially banning TikTok, due to “national security” reasons and “user safety” reasons, yet again leading stupid worthless committee hearings (wasting our tax payer money again) all while not focusing on the actual problems. If they wanna go after anyone in big tech, how about we go after shutting down Facebook, who ACTIVELY SELLS user data on the black market to the highest bidder – AND HAS BEEN CAUGHT DOING SO. Everything they accuse TikTok of doing during this sham committee hearing – Facebook has been doing all along. BUT they will not go after Facebook, because the lobbyists pay them too well to look the other way while our freedoms are being attacked. But that is another topic for a different time. I am going to focus the rest of this post on the big issue, and the conclusion I have come to about how we fix it.

So the biggest issue that I feel they should be focusing on, is Veterans and Veteran care, more so ending Veteran Suicide and stopping false information from being put out about that issue. How about we clean up the VA and make them start putting out truthful factual information about the topic of Veteran Suicide, instead of the bullshit they peddle trying to make themselves look better. There is ZERO accountability at the VA right now, and it makes me sick. As Veterans, we deserve more, we deserve better! Speaking about truthful information, how about this: there are now over 44 Veterans on a daily basis dying by suicide. Back in 2013 that number was around 22 a day, which means that in 10 years that number has at least doubled. We already know that we cannot count on our elected representatives to do anything to help us out, we cannot rely on them to do anything to help fix the endemic, so here is the conclusion I have come to.

WE as Veterans, Young and Old, must come together as ONE and UNITE together to tackle this issue head on. We need to put everything else aside, just like we did while we were in the military, race – sexual orientation – all the little “check boxes” they use to put us in, we need to put those aside and COME TOGETHER AS ONE, UNITING AS VETERANS AND FAMILIES OF VETERANS to fix this problem, to STOP this endemic. We cannot rely on anyone else to help us with this problem unfortunately, even though we elected them to help fix problems, that is not working, so lets take it into our own hands. There are so many organizations out there that are working on the mental side to help Veterans work through the issues, just like the 2 that we sponsor, there are organizations all over the country that do the same thing. Speak out, share the crap out of those organizations, help your brothers and sisters out, be there for them when they need to talk to someone, be there for them when they are fighting that darkness and feel like they are alone. Law Enforcement needs some training all across the country on how to handle Veterans in distress when they run across them, because at that point they are the front line. We need to stop relying on the VA for help, we need to start looking outside the VA for help, because the VA doesn’t give a flying shit about any of us – if they did, they wouldn’t pump us full of medication to keep us numbed and compliant, they wouldn’t pump us full of medication that make our symptoms worse, they would actually try to go out of their way to do something to help us out. Look outside the VA, don’t be too big to ask for help, we HAVE to push the ego aside and ask for help when we need it. This is much bigger than any single one of us can handle on our own, we HAVE to band together. We have already lost WAY TOO MANY brothers and sisters, it is beyond time to put this to an end!

Anyway, I am gonna end this for the night, I hope you all had a great day today, hope you smile tomorrow and enjoy the day. As always, I love every one of y’all, especially my fellow Vets, if ANY of my fellow Vets need someone to talk to, please reach out to me, I am ALWAYS here for you. Just remember – YOU ARE LOVED, TOMORROW NEEDS YOU, WE NEED YOU, WE LOVE YOU!


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